My Brother Jack Part 3
My Brother Jack Part 2 Read Part 1 first Read Part 2 next A day after I wrote Part 2, my partner and I went ‘Jackspotting’ for the third time that week. It was Friday and we scoured the boundaries
Rick Beneteau’s personal writings.
My Brother Jack Part 2 Read Part 1 first Read Part 2 next A day after I wrote Part 2, my partner and I went ‘Jackspotting’ for the third time that week. It was Friday and we scoured the boundaries
My Brother Jack Part 2 Read Part 1 first I often find Jack waiting outside my building (my fellow tenants inform me he is there) and I can only assume he wants a little company. So, as tradition is starting
My Brother Jack He’s turning 60 but his weathered face and stooped stature would lead one to believe he is much older. I first heard about Jack when I moved into an apartment in the trendy Victorian part of town.
Our World at Peace I close my eyes and I am at Peace and it is so. I close my eyes, and see into the hearts and homes of families and they are at Peace. I close my eyes, and
Poplar Fellers It took 50 years to grow and eight hours on Labor Day Weekend to come down. It was the “tree monkey” that first caught my attention bringing down the 80 ft. poplar tree with the skill of a
If I Were If I were a mountain path, I’d be the trail you blaze. If I were a valley, I’d be the fertile ground from which you could see the mountain top. If I were a grain of sand,
Holy Crow! I crawled into bed after an especially exasperating, work-filled Sunday, flipping through the television channels trying to find something at least quasi-intelligent to watch, as is one of my usual wind-down mechanisms. What I stumbled across on the
Keen as a Hawk! I’ve traveled this same stretch of road for decades. One of the 400 series highways crisscrossing southern Ontario––two hundred and fifty kilometers of flat pavement surrounded by some of the richest agricultural land in the world.
Don’t Squish Bugs! Two years ago, my fabulous grandsons were visiting when I was in the middle of assembling audio and video segments for my humanitarian project, 10 Million Clicks For Peace. I decided to interview them with the hope
My Big Fat Greek Encounter Late again! My new doctor, who I met last year in the emergency ward after suffering a rather nasty concussion while curling. If you’re not familiar with this winter sport, curling is akin to shuffleboard
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